Preparing for the arrival of your little one is an exciting time! To help you get ready for the big day, we’ve compiled a list of the items you may want to bring with you to the Meridian or Nampa St. Luke’s hospital that you’ll be delivering in. Having your hospital bag packed by 36 weeks is a good idea, especially if your little one makes his or her debut early. Here are our top recommendations:
For Mom
- Toiletries
- Comfortable clothes
- Nursing or loose-fitting bra(s) that can get messy
- Pajamas that allow skin-to-skin contact easily
- Loose pants
- Socks (and maybe a pair that can be tossed)
- Slippers or shower shoes (consider how swollen your feet may be)
- A robe
For Partner
- Toiletries
- Comfortable clothes
For Baby
- Car seat
- Going-home outfit
- Snacks, including hard candy or gum for mom
- Phone chargers
- ID/wallet with insurance card
What the Hospital Will Provide
Our hospital checklist is short because St. Luke’s covers so many needs. You are welcome to bring anything that will make your birthing experience more comfortable, whether that’s your own blanket, towels, pillows, or anything else (remember, these may get soiled). Many laboring mothers appreciate having a way to play music, massage tools, or other calming products. You are invited to bring a birth plan to share with your care team, but rest assured, you will be asked for your birthing preferences and those preferences will be respected with safety and comfort in mind. St. Luke’s will provide your baby with diapers, wipes, clothing, blankets, a swaddle, toiletries for bath time, breastfeeding support, a nursing pillow to borrow, and/or formula. Mom will be given post-partum recovery supplies such as mesh underwear, pads, a peri-bottle, and witch hazel wipes. Meals are available at both hospitals for moms, and can be purchased for partners. Water bottles are provided as well as ice chips and water.
Ultimately, the only thing you really need in the hospital is YOU! As wonderful as having a checklist, packed bags, and a comfy pillow is, not everything will go according to plan. If you end up rushing to the hospital, the St. Luke’s staff will do everything they can to make you comfortable and take care of your needs. We encourage you to be your own advocate and are happy to answer any questions you may have at your appointments or by calling in.
Best wishes,
Your OGA team